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Andrew Schick

Digital Design Director

Andrew’s editorial layouts combine illustration with bold, expressive typography, and he transforms brand elements into cohesive visual identities, packaging, and websites.

A dreamer, philosopher, and skater, Andrew began drawing, painting, and losing himself in vintage comic books at an early age. While earning his BFA, Visual Arts, he spent his free time creating posters, using illustration and hand-cut type, to promote campus events.

Andrew’s influences are telling: from the surf-and-punk-steeped drawings of Raymond Pettibon to the appealingly weird fiction of Haruki Murakami and the conceptual symbiosis of Robert Rauschenberg, Andrew lives in the gap between art and life, hearing polyphonous muses while sketching in the studio, combing the beaches of Tofino, or watching the world blur by from his many bikes and boards.

Andrew’s artistry has been recognized by the Lotus Awards, Applied Arts, Designedge Canada Redgee Awards, and the GDC Salazar Awards.

We like Andrew a lot. Even when he says, “polyphonous muse.”

illustration by Benjamin Stone


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