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Natalie Freer

Senior Project Manager

Cat-a-lyst (/.kad(e)lest/)


1) a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.

2) Someone who owns client objectives, scopes projects, sets expectations, listens, negotiates in everyone’s best interest, and generally gets shit done.

Natalie solves whatever needs solving.

Without her steady influence, the studio would crumble. Deadlines would lapse, email subject lines would erupt in exclamation marks, and someone would reheat fish in the microwave.

Natalie brings ideas to life. Clients benefit from her decade-plus experience in marketing, production, sales, and event management with branding agencies, in-house teams, and as a consultant.

Natalie helps deliver some of the studio’s most ambitious, award-winning work.
When not working, she enjoys reading, cooking, baking, long walks in nature, and yelling at Stuart.

illustration by Benjamin Stone


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