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Tavis Yeung

Director of Digital Marketing

The robots will not take over. For a while.

Until then, we have Tavis. Tavis brings digital strategy to small-and-scrappy and enterprise-level businesses that refuse to be boring. He makes digital and AI un-scary and has, for decades, turned business problems into solutions that pop.

Before joining Carter Hales, Tavis founded the consulting firm BigNERD Solutions. He also spent over 25 years with a U.S.-based Fortune 500 organization, transforming its technology and sector presence from utility-grade to industry-envied digital innovator.

Fortunately, Tavis’s AI fluency doesn’t come at the cost of knowing how to speak to humans, though his jokes would need to climb three tiers to reach dad-level.

Tavis is a two-wheeled world traveler who has conquered some of the cycling world’s best-known climbs. Unless you have ample time in your calendar, we suggest not asking him about any of it.



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